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1  Sue French driving ‘Oscar’ in the Obstathon Singles competition

2  The Haldane Icelandic Horse works out for the spectators during the Stallion Parade

3  A Queensland team member competes in one of the many exciting Mounted Games

4  Samantha Taylor presents the Art of Riding Side Saddle for an interested and appreciative crowd

5  The Arabian representative in the Breed Parade presented in an eyecatching costume

6  Professional Stunt Actress Deborah Brennan of Pony Express exhibits her trick riding skills

7  Eye on the ball during the Horseball demonstration game

8  Wayne Armstrong drives the pony team around the demonstration area during his Harnessing Up demonstration.

9  Bonnie Hiscock riding ‘DJ’ during the 1st round of the Shetland Steeplchase – Bonnie ended up riding her pony to victory.

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